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Back to School Anxiety | Beaches Therapy Group | Monkey Business Images on Canva

Back-to-School Anxiety

This time of year, some children experience uneasy feelings related to starting a new school year. While some level of anxiety is normal, excessive or persistent anxiety can become problematic and interfere with a child’s daily life and development. Children lack the vocabulary to express thoughts and feelings like adults. Consequently, back-to-school anxiety often manifests itself in non-verbal ways requiring parents to pay attention to both their behaviour and words to figure out what their child might be going through.

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Summer Mental Health Reset for Students

Whether in high school or post-secondary institutions, all students breathe a massive sigh of relief this time of year. Summer is an ideal time for a mental health reset that prepares students to return back to school invigorated and ready to learn. You can kickstart the process by recognizing their strengths over a conversation about how they coped with tough days. Learning to view challenges as opportunities rather than obstacles allows them to develop a growth mindset.

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Scheduled Sex and Romance | Beaches Therapy Group | Photo by DAPA images on Canva

Scheduled Sex and Romance

In almost all romantic relationships, the exhilarating honeymoon phase filled with passion and spontaneous intimacy tends to mellow over time. As couples navigate the demands of children, busy careers, and established routines, finding moments for closeness can become a challenge. To maintain physical connection, some couples find scheduling intimate moments in their calendars helpful. However, don’t overlook the role of emotional connection, which often proves to be more of an aphrodisiac than expected.

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Are you an Echoist | Beaches Therapy Group

Are you An Echoist?

Humans are hard wired to respond to threats with a “fight, flight, or freeze” response, otherwise known as the sympathetic nervous system activation. Echoists respond to trauma with a fourth, called the “fawn” response, where they pacify the attacker by going along with them rather than fighting back, running away or freezing.

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Teen Identity | Beaches Therapy Group

Parenting and Teen Identity

The journey through adolescence is a profound time of self-discovery. Teenagers are bombarded with cultural expectations, social pressures, and social media which can distort reality and foster comparison. All of these impact their sense of identity, and form the foundation of who they become as adults.

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Sleeping Apart | Beaches Therapy Group

Sleeping Apart

Sleep deprivation has become the number one reason why couples, who are still very much in love, end up sleeping apart. It is hardly a sign of a relationship in trouble. In fact, for couples dealing with sleep disorders such as insomnia or sleep apnea, separate sleeping arrangements can be a practical and necessary solution. We discussed this topic recently with the Toronto Star.

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